Intangible Assets Contribute to Business Valuation…

Michael D. Moberly, Founder, Principal, kpstrat – ‘Business Intangible Asset Blog’

Let there always be discussion, but little objection to this principle…its’ important for business leaders, management teams, boards, and investors respectively, to recognize and appreciate…

  • how, when, where, why, and the various circumstances, contributory roles, and value-adds influenced – delivered by introducing the right intangible assets, in the right place, at the right time, at the right cost.

Business things intangible, as I have experientially framed, discussed, and applied same for 25+ years across sectors, are not merely, nor are they limited to ‘perceptions, optics, conventions, or preferences’, e.g.,

  • the time-honored real estate maxim which emphasizes – dramatizes ‘location – location – location’, relative to a property’s potential attractivity, hence, rationale for higher ‘asking’ price.

Here, now, and for the foreseeable-future, business things intangible differentiated – designated as ‘mission essential’, are obliged to be recognized as irreversibly embedded in – emanating from various forms, contexts, and applications of…

  1. intellectual capital, (thought, knowledge, know how, expertise, institutional memory, etc.).
  2. structural capital (tested, known-to-work, business specific and reliable processes, procedures, techniques, practices, methods, and/or operations).
  3. relationship capital (associations, connections, affiliations, rapport).
  4. most of which may-can-will converge (individually, collectively, and/or collaboratively) to create – enable beneficially specific, attractive, competitive, and lucrative operating cultures.

Experientially, I have found that most business things intangible which warrant differentiation – recognition as ‘mission essential’, e.g., to-for a product, service, brand, reputation, etc.,

  1. have been conceived, developed, and introduced as proprietary, and
  2. subsequently materialize – are applied tactically, strategically, over-time (whether recognized or not) as a contributor to, a favorable influencer of, and ultimately multipliers for…
  • competitive advantage, valuation, revenue generation,
    • that benefits a particular-product, service, brand, reputation, operating culture, license-buy-sell transaction, as-well-as the attractivity and sustainability of either.


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