Michael D. Moberly, Principal, Founder, kpstrat
Prudent leadership of intangible asset intensive + dependent businesses are obliged to engage in on-going recognition + assessment of the various contributory roles and values of relevant intangibles to (business)…
- operability,
- value,
- competitiveness,
- revenue generation, and
- sustainability relative to brand and reputation.
Prudent leadership of intangible asset intensive and dependent businesses, also extends to…
being deliberatively engaged in considering the relevance + necessity of acquiring and merging new, as well as leveraging, adding to, and/or reimagining existing intangible assets to…
- create a new – complimentary services and/or products + pursue and develop new (different, reimagined (internal – external) ventures or collaborations.
- provide business operations with tactical – strategic insights and ‘vital signs’ related to the (current) use and exploitation of business things intangible.
- favorably affect the stability, lessen the fragility, elevate the defensibility, and mitigate various risk exposures of mission essential intangible assets.
- assess (measure) the performance (functionality, materiality) of mission essential intangibles, i.e., how, when, where, and why each connects as contributory role and value to particular – aspect of business operations.
- create more efficiencies within – throughout a business and the development and delivery of products and services.
- ensure the selection, acquisition, development, and introduction of new intangible assets,
- align with – compliment business mission, and
- reflects relevant legalities, i.e., how, where, why, and when those intangibles originated.
Respectfully written by M for your consideration.