Benefits of Licensing Agreements…

Michael D. Moberly

Benefits of a licensing externally developed, tested, and risk mitigated content, collaboratively conceived and respectfully negotiated…

  • represent a viable + resilient + ROI strategy to relatively rapidly and legitimately attract interest beyond conventional spheres of influence.
  • can seamlessly converge to sustain licensor’s + licensee’s (professional + ethical) commitments to achieve compelling outcomes.
  • do not diminish licensee’s time-honored subtleties associated with conventional in-person methodologies, i.e., service development, marketing, and delivery.

Licensing kpstrat developed, tested, and risk mitigated content, is now, more so than pre-pandemic, a business resurgence consideration, warranting post-pandemic re-consideration.

Receptivity to differentiate the benefits of licensing insofar as various ways same can materialize as a legitimate + comparatively speedier and lucrative path to more resilient business competitiveness + revenue generation post-pandemic.

Well-conceived + respectfully negotiated licensing agreements convey many favorables which acknowledge

  1. aspirations to return to a variation of business operation normalcy, post pandemic.
  2. getting there may be variously elusive, however, the path need not require wholly restructuring existing (pre-pandemic) business models which now (social distancing, etc.) imply modifying business operation capacity and potential.
  3. re-engaging + expanding business operations and reach post-pandemic, is a key objective.

Licensing, (conventionally framed) appear inclined to dramatize perceptions of trade-off’s – downsides which stifle recognition of the benefits of well-conceived, negotiated, executed, and supported licensing agreements’ as relevant + rapid preludes to applying forward-looking, tested, and risk-mitigated licensed content.

Weighing the relevance + potential ROI of licensing vs. convention, is obliged (post-pandemic) to consider,

  • costs + time + resources + risks associated with independent (internal vs. external) development, marketing, and delivery of comparable services, i.e., pre-pandemic presumptions related to accommodating client specific nuances and subtleties, which
  • now are undergoing significant and perhaps irreversible change,
    • can be legitimately mitigated via a respectfully collaborative + negotiated licensing agreement.


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